Triangle F G H is drawn with a solid line and is located in quadrant 2 of a coordinate plane. Triangle J K I is drawn with a dotted line and is located in quadrant 4.

Assess two figures using the definitions of transformations to determine whether the figures are similar. Is ΔFGH∼ΔIJK , and for what reason?

(1 point)

No. If point J was at (6,−6), the triangles would be similar.
No. If point upper J was at left parenthesis 4 comma negative 5 right parenthesis , the triangles would be similar.

Yes. All angles are congruent.
Yes. All angles are congruent.

No. If point J was at (−6,6), the triangles would be similar.
No. If point upper J was at left parenthesis negative 4 comma 5 right parenthesis , the triangles would be similar.

Yes. All sides are proportional.

No. If point J was at (6,−6), the triangles would be similar.