The number of pages that Ana, Hillary, Roger, and Juan can read in a day is shown below:

Ana read 15% of her 46-page book.
Hillary read 11% of her 72-page book.
Roger read 12% of his 68-page book.
Juan read 14% of his 69-page book.

Who can read the greatest number of pages in a day?

(1 point)

Group of answer choices





To find out who can read the greatest number of pages in a day, we need to calculate the number of pages each person can read.

To find the number of pages Ana can read:
15% of 46 = (15/100) * 46 = 6.9 pages

To find the number of pages Hillary can read:
11% of 72 = (11/100) * 72 = 7.92 pages

To find the number of pages Roger can read:
12% of 68 = (12/100) * 68 = 8.16 pages

To find the number of pages Juan can read:
14% of 69 = (14/100) * 69 = 9.66 pages

From the calculations, we can see that Juan can read the greatest number of pages in a day with 9.66 pages. Therefore, the answer is Juan.