Select True or False.

The expression 5x − 3(2x − 4) is equivalent to the expression 12 − x.

(1 point)

Group of answer choices



5x − 3(2x − 4) = 5x - 6x + 12 = 12-x


To determine if the expression 5x − 3(2x − 4) is equivalent to the expression 12 − x, we can simplify both expressions and compare the results.

Let's start by simplifying the first expression using the distributive property:

5x − 3(2x − 4) = 5x − 6x + 12

Combining like terms, we have:

5x − 6x + 12 = -x + 12

Now let's simplify the second expression:

12 − x

Since there are no like terms to combine or any further simplification possible, we can conclude that the simplified expression is -x + 12.

Therefore, the expression 5x − 3(2x − 4) is equivalent to the expression 12 − x. Hence, the answer is True.
