Which of the following graphs represent a function? Choose all that apply

To determine which graphs represent a function, we need to ensure that each input (or x-value) has only one corresponding output (or y-value). Let's analyze each graph:

Graph 1: ![Graph 1](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/KX3e2KJnEee6-A5Abfu_VA_c67b976c79a8978a6ddf99caf5b414c6_GraphQ6.png?expiry=1634764800000&hmac=um9nBVhZXIma6QWFEWpZPmOJu-_ivs6qQANb7_rqfhE)
This graph represents a function since each input has only one corresponding output.

Graph 2: ![Graph 2](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/I3HG7qJnEee6-A5Abfu_VA_4c2f14849bd0032e2499af479a4af15b_GraphQ6.png?expiry=1634764800000&hmac=3Gvab2iIAzzqvRjJjq3P7t0SotL0XGehO-xA6ERaCaY)
This graph does not represent a function since for an input of x = 3, there are two different corresponding outputs (y = 3 and y = 1).

Graph 3: ![Graph 3](https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net/imageAssetProxy.v1/Kn87RKJnEee6-A5Abfu_VA_3912ee3d0b56c1ddf4f00a181b21e8c7_GraphQ6.png?expiry=1634764800000&hmac=E7iY5xYbpCzFbTevL2dd3e6Ut3EWNRwSj7HPbnpJ0nY)
This graph represents a function since each input has only one corresponding output.

Therefore, the graphs that represent a function are Graph 1 and Graph 3.