Decide which kind of graphic you would use to replace or support the paragraph or text below.

2 points
Captionless Image
A diagram with callouts
A table
A pie chart
A video

Without knowing the specific paragraph or text that needs to be replaced or supported, it is difficult to determine the most appropriate graphic. However, here is a general guideline for selecting the type of graphic for different purposes:

1. Captionless Image: This can be used when the visual element itself conveys the information or message effectively without needing any additional explanation. It could be an illustrative image, a photograph, or an infographic that doesn't require text to be understood.

2. Diagram with Callouts: This graphic can be used when there is a need to explain or highlight specific parts or components of a complex system or process. The diagram can include labels or pointers (callouts) that direct the viewer's attention to important details or explanations.

3. Table: A table is suitable when presenting structured data or information that requires comparison or precise numerical values. It is an effective way to organize and present data in a clear and systematic manner.

4. Pie Chart: Use a pie chart when you want to represent data as a proportion of a whole. It is helpful for illustrating percentages or the relative distribution of different components within a dataset.

5. Video: A video is an engaging and dynamic way to present information or demonstrate a process. It can be used when visuals, actions, or demonstrations are necessary for better understanding or when there is a need for audio narration or commentary.

Consider the context, purpose, and content of the paragraph or text to determine which graphic would best enhance the message or information being conveyed.