-Ms. Kitts works at a music store. Last week she sold 6 more than 3 times the number of CDs that she sold this week. Ms. Kitts sold a total of 110 CDs over the 2 weeks. Which system of equations can be used to find l, the number of CDs she sold last week, and t, the number of CDs she sold this week?

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Let's assume that l represents the number of CDs she sold last week, and t represents the number of CDs she sold this week.

According to the given information, last week she sold 6 more than 3 times the number of CDs she sold this week. So the equation for the number of CDs sold last week would be:

l = 3t + 6

Also, it is mentioned that Ms. Kitts sold a total of 110 CDs over the 2 weeks. So the equation for the total number of CDs sold would be:

l + t = 110

Therefore, the system of equations that can be used to find l and t is:

l = 3t + 6
l + t = 110