
\[2009\], Usain Bolt set the world record for sprinting
\[100 \text{ m}\] in approximately

\[9\dfrac{3}5\] seconds.
Find his average speed in meters per second.

To find Bolt's average speed in meters per second, we divide the distance he ran by the time it took him. Since he ran 100 meters in approximately $\frac{48}{5}$ seconds, his average speed is $\dfrac{100}{\frac{48}{5}} = \dfrac{500}{48} = \boxed{\dfrac{125}{12}}$ meters per second.

what is it

The average speed is $\boxed{10\dfrac{5}{12}}$ meters per second.

To find Usain Bolt's average speed in meters per second, we need to divide the distance he ran by the time it took him to run that distance.

First, we need to convert the mixed number time (9 3/5 seconds) to a single fraction. We can do this by multiplying the whole number (9) by the denominator of the fraction (5) and adding the product to the numerator (3). This gives us:

\[9 \times 5 + 3 = 45 + 3 = 48.\]

So the time taken by Usain Bolt in seconds is \(9\dfrac{3}5\) seconds, or simply \(\dfrac{48}5\) seconds.

Next, we divide the distance of 100 meters by the time of \(\dfrac{48}5\) seconds:


To divide by a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal. Thus, we multiply 100 by the reciprocal of \(\frac{48}5\):

\[100 \times \frac{5}{48}.\]

Simplifying this expression:

\[100 \times \frac{5}{48} = \frac{500}{48}.\]

Now, we need to convert this fraction to a decimal. To do this, divide 500 by 48:

\[\frac{500}{48} \approx 10.4167.\]

Therefore, Usain Bolt's average speed is approximately 10.4167 meters per second.