School should not sell sugary drinks to students USA news and what report sites statistics on childhood abuse from the CDC that showed 7% of children in the US were categorized as obese in 19 80 x 2008 that number had been increased to 20% one in every five children according to the food and consumer, a recent study at Harvard school of public health has added heart disease to the list of potential health conditions due to sugary beverages. This study showed that people who consume the significant amount of sugary sweetened beverages with 20% more likely to be diagnosed with heart disease, which option describes what the pieces of emphasize evidence have in common

The pieces of evidence emphasized in the statement all highlight the negative impact of consuming sugary drinks on children's health. The statistics from the CDC show a significant increase in childhood obesity over time, with sugary drinks likely playing a role. The recent study at Harvard adds heart disease as another potential health issue associated with consuming sugary beverages. Both these pieces of evidence support the argument that schools should not sell sugary drinks to students.