Strict Inequality Nonstrict Inequality

A strict inequality is a mathematical inequality that indicates that two values are not equal to each other. It is represented by the symbols ">" (greater than) or "<" (less than).

Examples of strict inequalities:
- 3 > 2 (3 is strictly greater than 2)
- 5 < 6 (5 is strictly less than 6)

On the other hand, a nonstrict inequality is a mathematical inequality that indicates that two values may be equal to each other. It is represented by the symbols ">=" (greater than or equal to) or "<=" (less than or equal to).

Examples of nonstrict inequalities:
- 4 >= 4 (4 is either equal to or greater than 4)
- 7 <= 8 (7 is either equal to or less than 8)