What are the solutions of the inequality? Check the solutions.12 + 10w ≥ 8(w +12)(1 point)Responsesw ≥ –42w ≥ –42w ≥ 48w ≥ 48w ≥ 42w ≥ 42w ≥ 54

To find the solutions of the inequality 12 + 10w ≥ 8(w + 12), we can start by distributing 8 to both terms inside the parentheses:

12 + 10w ≥ 8w + 96

Next, we can combine like terms:

10w - 8w ≥ 96 - 12

2w ≥ 84

Now, we can divide both sides of the inequality by 2 to solve for w:

w ≥ 42

Therefore, the correct solution to the inequality is w ≥ 42.

Let's check if the solution is correct by substituting w = 42 into the original inequality:

12 + 10(42) ≥ 8(42 + 12)

12 + 420 ≥ 8(54)

432 ≥ 432

The equation is true, which verifies that the solution w ≥ 42 is correct.