Write the ratio as a fraction in simplest form, with whole numbers in the numerator and denominator.

1.4 yards : 2.1 yards

To write the ratio 1.4 yards to 2.1 yards as a fraction in simplest form, we need to divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor.

The greatest common divisor of 1.4 and 2.1 is 0.7.

Dividing 1.4 by 0.7, we get 2.
Dividing 2.1 by 0.7, we get 3.

Therefore, the ratio 1.4 yards to 2.1 yards can be simplified to the fraction 2/3.

Ryan runs 6 miles in 50 minutes. At the same rate, how many miles would he run in 35 minutes?

To find out how many miles Ryan would run in 35 minutes at the same rate as he did for 50 minutes, we need to set up a proportion.

The proportion can be set up as:

6 miles / 50 minutes = x miles / 35 minutes

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

50 minutes * x miles = 6 miles * 35 minutes

50x = 210

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 50:

x = 210 / 50

Simplifying the fraction, we get:

x = 4.2

Therefore, Ryan would run approximately 4.2 miles in 35 minutes at the same rate he did for 50 minutes.

To write the ratio as a fraction, we need to convert both quantities to the same unit. In this case, let's convert both quantities to inches.

1.4 yards is equal to 1.4 x 36 = 50.4 inches.
2.1 yards is equal to 2.1 x 36 = 75.6 inches.

Now, we can express the ratio as a fraction:

1.4 yards : 2.1 yards = 50.4 inches : 75.6 inches

To simplify the fraction, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator. In this case, the GCD of 50.4 and 75.6 is 25.2.

Dividing both numerator and denominator by 25.2, we get:

50.4 ÷ 25.2 = 2
75.6 ÷ 25.2 = 3

Therefore, the simplified fraction is 2/3.