Christopher read 22 and one half pages of an hour. If he continues reading at the same rate, how many pages will he read in an hour?

answer in a whole number

Christopher reads 22 and one half pages in an hour. To find out how many pages he will read in a whole hour, we need to calculate the whole number of pages he reads in the given time period.

We can convert the mixed number 22 and one half into an improper fraction:

22 + 1/2 = 22/1 + 1/2 = 44/2 + 1/2 = 45/2

So, Christopher reads 45/2 pages in an hour.

To find out how many pages he will read in one whole hour, we have to multiply the fraction by 2/2:

45/2 * 2/2 = 90/2

Simplifying the fraction, we get:

90/2 = 45

Therefore, Christopher will read 45 pages in an hour.