The table below shows Alexa's earnings on the job.

Time left bracket hours right bracket Time (hours) Earnings left bracket dollars right bracket Earnings (dollars)
88 dollar sign $213.60
16 dollar sign $427.20
31 dollar sign $827.70
How much does she make in 55.5 hours?

To find out how much Alexa makes in 55.5 hours, we need to determine the earnings per hour. We can calculate this by dividing the total earnings by the total hours worked:

Earnings per hour = Earnings / Time

In this case, we can use any of the three given sets of data to calculate the earnings per hour. Let's choose the first set of data:

Earnings per hour = $213.60 / 88 hours = $2.43/hour

Now, we can calculate Alexa's earnings in 55.5 hours by multiplying the earnings per hour by the number of hours worked:

Earnings = Earnings per hour * Time

Earnings = $2.43/hour * 55.5 hours = $134.97

Therefore, Alexa makes $134.97 in 55.5 hours.