Which is how a monkey can help with plant reproduction?

They eat a plants fruit then excrete in new places
Seeds can get stuck on their fur and transported into a different place

Both options mentioned can contribute to plant reproduction with the help of monkeys.

1. When monkeys eat a plant's fruit and then excrete the seeds in new places, it is known as seed dispersal. The seeds go through the monkey's digestive system and are deposited in different locations, allowing the plants to colonize new areas and increase genetic diversity.

2. Seeds can also get stuck in the fur of monkeys as they move through plants and trees. These seeds may then be transported to different locations when the monkeys move around and eventually fall off or brush against other plants. This method helps in seed dispersal as well, allowing plants to spread to new areas.

In both cases, monkeys play a role in transporting seeds from one place to another, aiding in plant reproduction and the establishment of new plant populations.

Pick one or the orher

In that case, I would say that the second option, where seeds get stuck on a monkey's fur and are transported to different places, is a more direct way in which monkeys can help with plant reproduction. While eating fruits and excreting seeds also aids in seed dispersal, the transportation of seeds through fur ensures that the seeds are carried to different locations without going through the digestive system, potentially increasing their chances of successful germination.

A monkey can aid in plant reproduction in two main ways: by eating a plant's fruit and dispersing the seeds through their feces, or by getting seeds stuck on their fur and transporting them to different locations.

1. Fruit Consumption and Seed Dispersal: Many plants produce fruits to entice animals to eat them. When a monkey consumes the fruit, it not only gets nutrition but also ingests the seeds within. These seeds pass through the monkey's digestive system and are then excreted in different areas away from the parent plant. This process is known as endozoochory. The seeds that are dispersed in this manner have a chance to germinate and grow in these new locations, enabling wider distribution and increasing the chances of successful reproduction.

2. Seed Transport via Fur: Monkeys, like many other animals, have fur that can act as a substrate for seeds to get attached to. As they move around, seeds can easily get caught in the monkey's fur, especially those with barbs or hooks that facilitate attachment. When the monkey travels to a different place, these seeds can unintentionally be carried along on their fur. Once the seeds become dislodged from the monkey's body, they have an opportunity to establish themselves and grow in the new environment.

Both of these mechanisms play a crucial role in plant reproduction by ensuring that seeds are dispersed over broader areas, increasing genetic diversity, and promoting the survival of plant species.