A certain marine engine has cylinders that are 5.21 inches in diameter and 5.93 inches deep. Find the total volume of 4 cylinders (Use 3.14 for * as needed. Round to the

nearest hundredth if necessary).

To find the volume of each cylinder, we can use the formula for the volume of a cylinder, which is given by V=πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height.

The radius of each cylinder is half of its diameter, so the radius of the cylinder is 5.21 / 2 = 2.605 inches.

Substituting the values into the formula, we get V = 3.14 * (2.605)^2 * 5.93.

Calculating this, we find V ≈ 3.14 * 6.784025 * 5.93 ≈ 127.8297.

Since we want to find the total volume of 4 cylinders, we multiply the volume of one cylinder by 4:

Total volume = 127.8297 * 4 ≈ 511.32 cubic inches.

Therefore, the total volume of 4 cylinders is approximately 511.32 cubic inches.