Renaissance music is known for its

(1 point)

dissonant harmonies.
dissonant harmonies.

quiet dynamics.
quiet dynamics.

complex polyphonic textures.
complex polyphonic textures.


dissonant harmonies and complex polyphonic textures.

only one answer choice, which one seems like the best one?

The best answer choice would be complex polyphonic textures.

Renaissance music is known for its complex polyphonic textures. To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options and see which one best describes Renaissance music.

1. Dissonant harmonies: Dissonant harmonies refer to the combination of notes that sound tense or unstable. While dissonance was occasionally used in Renaissance music, it was not a defining characteristic.

2. Quiet dynamics: Dynamics in music refer to the volume or intensity at which the music is played. Renaissance music utilized a variety of dynamics, ranging from quiet to loud. However, this alone does not define its style.

3. Complex polyphonic textures: Polyphony is a musical texture that involves multiple independent melodic lines played or sung simultaneously. Renaissance music is renowned for its intricate and skillfully crafted polyphonic textures, making this the correct answer.

4. Accents: Accents in music refer to emphasizing specific notes or beats. While accents were used in Renaissance music for musical expression, they are not the primary characteristic that defines it.

Considering these options, the correct answer is "complex polyphonic textures."