How does Richard Connell use

foreshadowing to build
suspense in The Most
Dangerous Game?
(1 point)
By introducing a mysterious character at the end of
the story
By showcasing Rainsford's determination to survive.
By hinting at the dangerous nature of Ship-Trap
By providing detailed descriptions of Rainsford's
hunting skills

The correct answer is: By hinting at the dangerous nature of Ship-Trap Island.

Richard Connell uses foreshadowing to build suspense in "The Most Dangerous Game" by hinting at the dangerous nature of Ship-Trap Island. Throughout the story, there are multiple instances where foreboding details about the island are mentioned. For example, Rainsford hears rumors of strange issues with ships in the area and the eerie sound of gunshots during the night. These mysterious and unsettling details create a sense of anticipation and build suspense as the reader wonders what dangers lie ahead for Rainsford.