A meteorologist recorded the rainfall in Kingwood in two consecutive months. In the first month, there were 1 1/4 inches of rain. In the second month, there were 4 1/3 inches of rain. What was the total amount of rainfall during the two months?

Write your answer as a fraction or as a whole or mixed number.


To find the total amount of rainfall, we need to add the rainfall in the first month to the rainfall in the second month.

The rainfall in the first month is 1 1/4 inches, which can be written as a fraction with a common denominator: 5/4 inches.

The rainfall in the second month is 4 1/3 inches. To add this mixed number to the previous fraction, we need to convert it to an improper fraction. 4 1/3 can be rewritten as 13/3 inches.

Now we can add the two fractions: 5/4 + 13/3.

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. A common denominator for 4 and 3 is 12.

Converting the fractions to have denominators of 12:

5/4 * 3/3 = 15/12
13/3 * 4/4 = 52/12

Now we can add the fractions:

15/12 + 52/12 = 67/12

Therefore, the total amount of rainfall during the two months is 67/12 inches.