Isabelle lives in an apartment 7 11/12 miles from the hospital where she works. Her brother rents a room in a house 6 7/12 miles from the law firm where he is employed. How much farther from work does Isabelle live?

Write your answer as a fraction or as a whole or mixed number.


Isabelle lives 7 11/12 miles away from the hospital.

Her brother lives 6 7/12 miles away from the law firm.
To find how much farther Isabelle lives from work, we subtract the distance her brother lives from the distance she lives.
7 11/12 - 6 7/12
= (7 - 6) + (11/12 - 7/12)
= 1 + 4/12
= 1 + 1/3
= 1 1/3

So, Isabelle lives 1 1/3 miles farther from work. Answer: \boxed{1\frac{1}{3}} \text{miles}.