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The first step to solve for y in y/3
= 6 + x is
A to subtract x from both sides of the subtract x from both sides of the equation.
B to subtract y3
from both sides of the subtract y 3 from both sides of the equation.
C to divide each term on both sides of the equation by divide each term on both sides of the equation by 3.
D to multiply each term on both sides of the equation by 3.

C to divide each term on both sides of the equation by 3.

yo i hate you your making me fail

I'm sorry if my response wasn't helpful. What specifically do you need help with?

Step 1: 4x + 5 < 6x + 1 (Given)

Step 2: −2x + 5 < 1 (Subtraction)
Step 3: −2x < 6 (Addition)
Step 4: x > −3 (Division)

Mia is trying to find her mistake in the problem shown. In which step did she first make a mistake?
A Step 1Step 1
B Step 2Step 2
C Step 3Step 3
D Step 4

answer it right stupid

Based on the given steps, Mia's first mistake is in Step 3: -2x < 6 (Addition). The correct step would be -2x < 4 (Subtraction) because when subtracting 1 from both sides, the equation becomes -2x + 5 - 1 < 1 - 1, which simplifies to -2x + 4 < 0. So the correct response is:

C Step 3

The first step to solve for y in the equation y/3 = 6 + x is to subtract x from both sides of the equation.


To isolate the variable y, we want to get rid of the x term on the right side of the equation. We can do this by performing the same operation to both sides of the equation.

So, to subtract x from both sides of the equation, we can rewrite the equation as:

y/3 - x = 6 + x - x

Simplifying further, we have:

y/3 - x = 6

Now, we have successfully eliminated the x term from the right side of the equation. The next steps would involve further simplification and manipulation to isolate the variable y completely. However, the options provided do not cover these subsequent steps, so we cannot determine the correct answer based on the given options alone.

To solve the equation completely and find the value of y, you would need to continue by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3 to get rid of the fraction, then simplifying further.

Therefore, the correct answer would be D) to multiply each term on both sides of the equation by 3.