In rabbits, black fur is dominant to white fur. As a rabbit breeder, you crossed a BB male with a Bb female, please complete the Punnett square for the possible genotypes of the offspring. Then complete, the percent chance for the phenotypes of the offspring.

***Please follow all Punnett square rules to complete this question.

To complete the Punnett square, we need to combine the alleles of the BB male and the Bb female:

The male's genotype is BB, meaning both of his alleles are dominant (B)
The female's genotype is Bb, meaning she has one dominant allele (B) and one recessive allele (b)

Punnett square:

| B | B |
B | BB | BB |
b | Bb | Bb |

From the Punnett square, we can see that there are four possible genotypes for the offspring: BB, BB, Bb, and Bb.

Now, let's calculate the percent chance for the phenotypes of the offspring:

- BB genotype: 2 out of 4 possibilities (BB, BB), which is 2/4 or 50%
- Bb genotype: 2 out of 4 possibilities (Bb, Bb), which is 2/4 or 50%

So, there is a 50% chance for the offspring to have black fur (BB genotype) and a 50% chance for the offspring to have black fur but carry the recessive white fur allele (Bb genotype).