On the weekends, Brody teaches arts and crafts to kids. His Saturday class used a total of 45 pom-poms and 84 wooden craft sticks for the project. Now, Brody is preparing the supplies for his Sunday class. He needs 15 pom-poms.

If Brody uses the same ratio of pom-poms to wooden craft sticks, how many craft sticks will he need for Sunday's class?
craft sticks

To find the number of craft sticks needed for Sunday's class, we can set up a proportion using the information from Saturday's class.

Since Brody used a total of 45 pom-poms and 84 wooden craft sticks for Saturday's class, we can write the ratio as:

45 pom-poms / 84 wooden craft sticks = 15 pom-poms / x wooden craft sticks

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

45 * x = 15 * 84

45x = 1260

Dividing both sides by 45:

x = 1260 / 45

x = 28

Therefore, Brody will need 28 wooden craft sticks for Sunday's class.