Read this excerpt.

“Imagine a population of brown rabbits and white rabbits in a snowy field. Under these conditions, predators are less likely to see and catch the white rabbits. In a summertime field—all brown soil and green and golden plants—white rabbits are more visible and easier to catch. Neither white nor brown fur is perfect for rabbit survival.”

What text structure is this?

This excerpt appears to be using a cause and effect text structure.

How is it cause and effect?

Apologies for the confusion. Upon reevaluating the excerpt, it is more accurate to categorize it as an example or illustration text structure. The passage provides contrasting scenarios or examples to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of brown and white fur for rabbit survival based on their environment.

What is the author's purpose of the story "Perfectly Imperfect?"

Unfortunately, I cannot accurately determine the purpose of the story "Perfectly Imperfect" as I do not have access to the specific context of that story. I can only help with general information and text analysis. To determine the author's purpose, it would be necessary to analyze the story itself or any accompanying information provided.