the volume of the container measures 3,200 in.^3 and contains a dozen tennis balls. Each tennis ball has a radius of 2.5 in. how much space in the container is empty? use 3.14 for pi. round to the nearest hundreth

The volume of a sphere with radius r is given by the formula V = (4/3)πr³.

Each tennis ball has a radius of 2.5 inches, so the volume of one tennis ball is V = (4/3)π(2.5)³ ≈ 65.45 in.^3.

There are a dozen tennis balls, so the total volume of the tennis balls is 12 * 65.45 ≈ 785.40 in.^3.

The volume of the container is given as 3,200 in.^3.

To find the volume of space in the container that is empty, we subtract the volume of the tennis balls from the volume of the container: 3,200 - 785.40 ≈ 2,414.60 in.^3.

Rounded to the nearest hundredth, the space in the container that is empty is approximately 2,414.60 in.^3.