You have read Ray Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder” and Gloria Skurzynski’s “Nethergrave”, in a multi-paragraph essay please explain which work is the strongest work of science fiction and why. You can NOT use “I,” “me,” or “my” in this portfolio. Please do not address the reader by using “you.”.

Both Ray Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder” and Gloria Skurzynski’s “Nethergrave” are powerful works of science fiction, but in terms of strength, “A Sound of Thunder” emerges as the superior piece. Bradbury skillfully incorporates elements of time travel, consequences, and danger to create a compelling narrative that raises thought-provoking questions about the fragility of the world and our place in it.

One aspect that makes “A Sound of Thunder” the stronger work of science fiction is Bradbury's adept use of time travel. The story revolves around a group of hunters who embark on a prehistoric safari, using a time machine called the "Time Safari, Inc." The level of detail in Bradbury's depiction of the time travel process adds authenticity, effectively immersing the reader in the narrative. The “time machine itself,” described as a “massive, raw, viscous ten feet wide and above them,” transports the characters back in time to the era of dinosaurs. This vivid portrayal of time travel contributes to the strength of the story and enhances the overall science fiction aspect.

Furthermore, the concept of consequences plays a crucial role in “A Sound of Thunder.” Bradbury showcases the potential ripple effects of altering the past, demonstrating the butterfly effect. When one of the hunters accidentally steps off the designated path, he unknowingly crushes a butterfly. This seemingly insignificant action leads to drastic alterations in the present, thus underscoring the fragility of the timeline. The collapsing world described as “giant chunks of the cities, the buildings, the lamp posts and water troughs” falling into an abyss emphasizes the devastating consequences of tampering with the past. This exploration of cause and effect adds depth and complexity to the story, solidifying its place as a strong work of science fiction.

Lastly, “A Sound of Thunder” stands out due to its ability to instill a sense of danger and urgency within readers. As the hunter realizes his mistake, he panics, recognizing the catastrophic implications. Bradbury masterfully builds tension through his use of descriptive imagery, employing phrases such as "the stench of raw flesh blew down the wilderness" to convey the imminent danger. The vivid portrayal of the dinosaur, described as a “great evil god” with “flesh-mounted eyes” intensifies the fear and unease experienced by the characters and readers alike. This skillful manipulation of emotions enhances the impact of the story, solidifying its status as a strong work of science fiction.

In conclusion, while both “A Sound of Thunder” and “Nethergrave” are compelling works of science fiction, “A Sound of Thunder” emerges as the stronger piece. Ray Bradbury's adept use of time travel, exploration of consequences, and ability to evoke a sense of danger elevate the narrative's impact and contribute to its status as a remarkable work of science fiction. Through these skillful techniques and thought-provoking themes, Bradbury prompts readers to reflect on the delicate nature of the world's equilibrium and our role in preserving it.