A farm has 20 animals, summer horses and summer chickens altogether there are 36 legs if X represents the number of horses and why represents the number of chickens what coordinate pair represents how many of each animal is on the farm use the graph of the system of equations to determine the solution y=-x+20 and y=-2x+18

To determine the solution using the graph of the system of equations y=-x+20 and y=-2x+18, we need to find the point of intersection of the two lines.

The graph of y=-x+20 is a line with a y-intercept of 20 and a slope of -1. The graph of y=-2x+18 is a line with a y-intercept of 18 and a slope of -2.

To find the point of intersection, we can set the two equations equal to each other:

-x+20 = -2x+18

Adding x to both sides:

20 = -x+18

Subtracting 18 from both sides:

2 = -x

Dividing by -1:

-2 = x

Now that we have the value of x, we can substitute it back into one of the original equations to solve for y. Let's use y=-x+20:

y = -(-2)+20

y = 2+20

y = 22

So the solution to the system of equations is (x, y) = (-2, 22).

This means there are 22 chickens and -2 horses on the farm. However, since we can't have a negative number of horses, we can conclude that there are only 22 chickens and no horses on the farm.