Remove permissions and free up save battery

To remove permissions and free up your device's battery, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to your device's Settings.
2. Look for the "Apps" or "Applications" option and tap on it.
3. In the list of installed apps, select the app(s) for which you want to remove permissions.
4. Once you select an app, look for the "Permissions" option or a similar option within the app settings.
5. Tap on "Permissions" and review all the permissions granted to the app.
6. Disable any permissions that you think are unnecessary or not required for the app to function properly. Be cautious while removing permissions as some apps might not function correctly if essential permissions are removed.
7. After disabling the permissions, go back to the app settings page and tap on "Force Stop" to stop the app from running in the background.

To save battery:

1. Reduce the screen brightness or enable auto-brightness.
2. Enable Battery Saver Mode or Power-saving Mode in your device's Settings. Depending on your device, this option may be located under "Battery" or "Power" settings.
3. Disable or limit the use of live wallpapers and animated backgrounds.
4. Turn off auto-sync for apps that don't require frequent updates, such as email or social media apps. You can do this by going to the app settings and finding the sync settings.
5. Disable or limit background app refresh for apps that don't need to constantly update in the background. You can find this setting in your device's Settings, usually under "Battery" or "App & Notifications" settings.
6. Close unused apps running in the background by accessing the app switcher or recent apps menu and swiping them away.
7. Disable or reduce the frequency of push email notifications, as they can drain battery by constantly syncing with the server. You can adjust this in the email app's settings.
8. Disable or reduce location services for apps that don't require constant access to your location. You can find this option within the app settings or in your device's Location settings.
9. Keep your device's software and apps up to date, as updates often include battery optimization improvements.
10. Avoid using unnecessary features like vibrations or haptic feedback, as they consume power.
11. Limit the use of power-hungry apps or games that utilize a lot of CPU and graphics processing.

By following these steps, you should be able to remove unnecessary permissions and optimize your device's battery usage.