Is modernization likely to continue in the U.S.? Explain your answer.

Do you think people would be willing to go backward to prior technologies and ways of living, or will the society keep on "modernizing"?

Once you "explain your answer, please be sure to re-post and someone here will be happy to critique your thinking.


I suggest you begin your essay by defining what you mean by "modernization." Is it technology (computer-based gadgets)? Is it life styles ( and families)? Is it an apparent addiction to promoting democracy by going to war?

As Writeacher said, we'll be glad to critique your answer.

To determine whether modernization is likely to continue in the U.S., we first need to define what is meant by modernization. Modernization can refer to technological advancements, changes in lifestyles, or the progress of society towards a more democratic system.

In terms of technological advancements, it is highly probable that modernization will continue in the U.S. Technological innovation has been a key driver of progress throughout history, and there is no reason to believe that this trend will suddenly reverse. With the rapid pace of technological development and the increasing integration of technology into various aspects of our lives, it is more likely that modernization will continue to unfold in the form of new gadgets, automation, artificial intelligence, and other cutting-edge technologies.

However, when it comes to societal changes and lifestyles, the answer is not as straightforward. While some people may embrace new ways of living and adapt to changing social norms, others may hold onto traditional values and resist the push towards modernization. These social changes often provoke debates and disagreements within societies. For example, the acceptance of and families has been a topic of contention, with some embracing it as progress and others opposing it as a departure from traditional values.

As for promoting democracy through military interventions, that is a complex issue influenced by various factors such as political ideologies, national security, and global power dynamics. While some argue that such interventions are necessary for spreading democracy and ensuring global stability, others criticize them as imperialistic or counterproductive. The willingness of society to continue using military force to promote democracy is also subject to public opinion and evolving geopolitical circumstances.

In summary, while technological modernization is highly likely to continue in the U.S., societal modernization is more likely to provoke debates and resistance from those who value traditional ways of living. The extent to which the society will keep on modernizing in different aspects will depend on the interplay of social, cultural, and political dynamics.