simplify using a table


To simplify the expression (5w+2)(8w+5) using a table, we will create a table with four columns:

First, we will distribute 5w to each term inside the second parenthesis:
Row 1: 5w * 8w = 40w²
Row 2: 5w * 5 = 25w

Next, we will distribute 2 to each term inside the second parenthesis:
Row 3: 2 * 8w = 16w
Row 4: 2 * 5 = 10

In the last column, we will add up the terms from rows 1 and 2, and then rows 3 and 4:
Row 5: 40w² + 25w + 16w + 10

Combining like terms, we have:
Row 5: 40w² + 41w + 10

Therefore, the simplified expression is 40w² + 41w + 10.