compare and contrast adding/ subtracting numbers writing in scientific notation with multiplying /dividing numbers written in scientific notation.

How are the steps in each case similar?
How are they different ?
do you think adding, subtracting, dividing numbers in scientific notation is easiest? why?

When adding or subtracting numbers written in scientific notation, the first step is to make sure that their exponents are the same. Then, the numbers can be added or subtracted. The final result must be written in scientific notation.

When multiplying numbers written in scientific notation, the first step is to multiply the coefficients and then add the exponents. The final result must also be written in scientific notation.

When dividing numbers written in scientific notation, the first step is to divide the coefficients and subtract the exponents. Again, the final result must be written in scientific notation.

The steps in each case are similar in that they all involve manipulating the exponents and coefficients of the numbers. However, the specific operations for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing differ.

As for which operation is easiest, it is subjective to individual preferences and skills. Some may find adding and subtracting easier due to their familiarity with basic arithmetic operations. Others may find multiplying and dividing easier because they involve a more straightforward process of combining and manipulating exponents. Ultimately, it depends on a person's mathematical proficiency and comfort level with scientific notation.