How did the peace of Augsburg edict of Nantes and peace of Westphalia all stenghhen secular rulers ? 2 answer. Gave power to the pope,ensured people could practice their own religion privately,reduced the power of the pope

The Peace of Augsburg, the Edict of Nantes, and the Peace of Westphalia all strengthened secular rulers by reducing the power of the pope and ensuring people could practice their own religion privately.

1) Reduced the power of the pope: Prior to these agreements, religious conflicts often led to the interference of the papacy, which held significant political authority. The Peace of Augsburg (1555) and the Peace of Westphalia (1648) established the principle of cuius regio, eius religio, meaning that the ruler of a territory would determine its official religion. This effectively diminished the authority of the pope, as secular rulers were given autonomy to make religious decisions within their realms.

2) Ensured religious freedom: The Edict of Nantes (1598) granted religious freedoms and protections to the Protestant Huguenots in France. Similarly, the Peace of Westphalia included provisions for religious toleration, allowing people to practice their own religion privately. These measures strengthened secular rulers by preventing religious conflicts from destabilizing their territories. By guaranteeing the right to practice different faiths, rulers could maintain a more stable and unified realm, free from religious tensions.