6) Consider events since the election and changing views of Americans to predict who would win this election if it was held again today. Defend your answer.

To predict the outcome of the election if it were held again today, we need to consider the changing views of Americans since the previous election. Several events have occurred since the election that have potentially influenced public opinion.

Firstly, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the country, both in terms of health and the economy. The way the current administration has handled the pandemic will play a crucial role in voters' decision making. If Americans believe that the response to the pandemic was mishandled or inadequate, they may be more inclined to vote against the incumbent.

Additionally, the nationwide protests against racial injustice and police brutality have brought issues of systemic racism to the forefront of public discourse. The response of political leaders to these protests will shape voters' attitudes towards their preferred candidate. If Americans feel that a candidate has addressed these issues effectively, their chances of winning the election may increase.

Furthermore, the state of the economy, including job growth, market stability, and income inequality, will also influence voters' choices. If Americans perceive that the economy has remained stable and prosperous under the current administration, they may opt to reelect the incumbent. Alternatively, if they believe that the economic situation has worsened, voters may be more open to supporting a different candidate.

Lastly, the candidates themselves and the campaigns they run will play a significant role in predicting the outcome of a re-election. Their ability to connect with voters, present clear policy proposals, and effectively communicate their platforms will sway public opinion. Factors such as debates, public appearances, and campaign messaging will be critical indicators.

Overall, predicting the outcome of this hypothetical re-election requires careful analysis of the changing views of Americans since the last election. Considering factors such as the handling of COVID-19, response to racial injustice, state of the economy, and the effectiveness of candidates' campaigns will give us a clearer picture of who would likely win if the election were held again today.