In which areas or issues do the candidates agree?

The specific areas or issues on which candidates agree may vary depending on the context and the candidates involved. However, in general, candidates may agree on certain broad topics or goals such as:

1. Economy: Candidates may agree on the need for economic growth, job creation, and reducing income inequality. They may also agree on the importance of supporting small businesses, investing in infrastructure, and promoting fair trade.

2. Education: Candidates may agree on the significance of improving education systems, increasing access to quality education, and reducing the burden of student loans. They may also agree on the need for investment in early childhood education and vocational training.

3. Infrastructure: Candidates may agree on the necessity of investing in infrastructure development, including transportation, energy, and broadband networks. They may also agree on the potential benefits of infrastructure projects in terms of job creation and economic stimulation.

4. National Security: Candidates may agree on the importance of protecting the country's national security, combating terrorism, and supporting the military. They may also agree on the need for effective intelligence gathering and maintaining strong defense capabilities.

5. Healthcare: Candidates may agree that affordable and accessible healthcare is important for all citizens. While they may differ on the approach to achieving this goal, they may agree on the need to address rising healthcare costs and improve the quality of care.

It is important to note that these agreements can be general and candidates may have differing opinions on the specifics or implementation of policies within each issue area. Additionally, the level of agreement may vary between candidates from different political parties or ideological backgrounds.