Stan took lily to his friends restaurant on a date. The friend told the waiter to remove the $12 dessert from Stan's bill. Stan tipped the waiter $20 on the reduce d bill, which was a $15 tip. Fillbin the blanks to write an equation that will determine the amount of the original bill, b

Let's break down the information given in the problem:

The friend told the waiter to remove the $12 dessert from Stan's bill.
This means that the dessert reduced the bill by $12.

Stan tipped the waiter $20 on the reduced bill, which was a $15 tip.
This means that after the $12 reduction, the bill totaled $15 + $20 = $35.

Now let's write the equation to determine the amount of the original bill, b:

Original bill - $12 (reduction from the dessert) = $35 (total bill after reduction and tip)

Therefore, the equation is:
b - 12 = 35

This is wrong please try again

Apologies for the previous incorrect response. Let's reassess the situation:

Stan tipped the waiter $20 on the reduced bill, which was a $15 tip.
This means that after the reduction, the bill was $20 + $15 = $35.

The original bill, before the reduction, can be represented by the variable "b". The reduction from the dessert is $12. So, the equation to determine the original bill can be written as:

b - $12 = $35

Let's break down the information given in the problem to write an equation to determine the original bill amount, "b."

1. The friend told the waiter to remove the $12 dessert from Stan's bill. This means that the dessert was originally part of Stan's bill but was later subtracted.

2. Stan tipped the waiter $20 on the reduced bill, which was a $15 tip. This means that the $15 tip is calculated based on the reduced bill amount and not the original bill amount.

To form the equation, we can start with the reduced bill amount and then add the $12 dessert cost to get the original bill amount:

Original bill amount = Reduced bill amount + Dessert cost

Let's assign variables:

Reduced bill amount = r
Dessert cost = $12

Now we can write the equation:

Original bill amount (b) = Reduced bill amount (r) + Dessert cost ($12)

Substituting the given values:

b = r + $12

Therefore, the equation to determine the amount of the original bill, "b," is b = r + 12.