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Use the internet to find a lobbying group that represents your interests (environment, social issues, agriculture, technology, medicine, etc.). Name the group and describe how it works to represent its members.

One lobbying group that represents the interest of environmental causes is the Sierra Club. The Sierra Club is a prominent environmental organization in the United States that was founded in 1892. It works to protect and preserve the environment through various means including lobbying for environmentally-friendly policies and legislation.

The Sierra Club represents its members by advocating for environmental issues at all levels of government. They engage in lobbying efforts by communicating with elected officials, writing and proposing legislation, and exerting political pressure to promote their environmental agenda. They also organize grassroots campaigns and mobilize their members to take action on critical environmental issues.

Additionally, the Sierra Club uses litigation as a tool to protect the environment. They actively engage in legal battles to defend against environmental threats and hold polluters accountable for their actions. Through their lawyers and legal experts, they file lawsuits and participate in court cases that aim to protect natural resources and promote sustainable practices.

The Sierra Club also operates educational programs to raise awareness and educate the public about environmental conservation and sustainability. They organize outdoor activities, offer training programs, and publish resources to inform individuals about the importance of protecting the planet.

Overall, the Sierra Club plays a crucial role in representing the interests of its members and the broader environmental community by utilizing various strategies such as lobbying, litigation, and education to fight for environmental protection and advocate for sustainable practices.