Under her cell phone plan, Mei Mei pays a flat cost of $46 per month and $5 per gigabyte. She wants to keep her bill under $70 per month. Write and solve an inequality which can be used to determine gg, the number of gigabytes Mei Mei can use while staying within her budget.

Let gg be the number of gigabytes Mei Mei can use while staying within her budget.

The cost Mei Mei pays for gigabytes can be calculated as 5 * gg.

The total cost Mei Mei pays per month is the sum of the flat cost and the cost of gigabytes, which is 46 + 5 * gg.

To stay within her budget of $70 per month, the total cost should be less than or equal to $70.

Therefore, the inequality to determine gg is:

46 + 5 * gg ≤ 70