For a class project, Zachary made a square-shaped model of the park near his house. Each side of his model is x inches long.

Pick all the expressions that represent the perimeter of Zachary's model.

The expressions that represent the perimeter of Zachary's model are:

- 4+x (This expression adds the length of one side, x, to the sum of the other three sides, which are also x.)
- x+x+x+x (This expression represents adding together all four sides, which are each x inches long.)
- 4x (This expression represents multiplying the length of one side, x, by the number of sides, which is 4. This gives the total perimeter.)

Just pick one


To find the perimeter of Zachary's square-shaped model, we need to add up the length of all four sides.

1) 4+x: This expression represents the sum of the lengths of the four sides. It is correct because it includes all four sides of the square.

2) x+x+x+x: This expression also represents the sum of the lengths of the four sides. It is correct because we are adding the length of each side four times.

3) x^4: This expression represents the fourth power of x, which means x multiplied by itself four times. It does not represent the perimeter of the square, as it only reflects the length of one side raised to the power of 4.

4) 4x: This expression represents the length of one side multiplied by 4. It is also correct and represents the perimeter because it adds up the four sides of the square by multiplying the length of one side by 4.

Therefore, the correct expressions that represent the perimeter of Zachary's model are:
- 4+x
- x+x+x+x
- 4x