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James Thurber’s famous story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” is not an example of science fiction that portrays the world of the future. Published in 1939, this story depicts the alternate realities that exist in the main character’s mind. As you read, pay attention to the multiple settings Thurber describes.
Gloria Skurzynski story “Nethergrave” examines the potential problems of another technological advancement: virtual reality. The protagonist, a teenage boy named Jeremy, sometimes prefers life online to the inevitable disappointments of life in the real world. One day he is offered an unexpected opportunity to abandon the real world permanently. As you read, pay attention to the events that motivate Jeremy’s actions—and that lead him to make a life-altering decision.
Compare and contrast the ways these other worlds impacted the real world for the characters.

In both James Thurber’s “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and Gloria Skurzynski’s “Nethergrave”, the main characters escape the confines of their reality through different means. While Walter Mitty uses his imagination to transport himself to various fictional scenarios, Jeremy in “Nethergrave” is lured into a virtual reality game. Although their methods of escape differ, both characters find solace in their alternative worlds, ultimately impacting their perception and actions in the real world. However, the consequences of their escapism vary significantly.

In “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, Thurber presents Walter as an average man with a mundane life but an extraordinary imagination. Walter frequently daydreams, envisioning himself as a heroic figure in various exciting situations, such as a Navy pilot or a renowned surgeon. These vivid fantasies not only serve as an escape from his unsatisfying reality but also empower him, allowing him to momentarily transcend his mediocre existence. By immersing himself in these alternative worlds, Walter gains a renewed sense of confidence and agency.

On the other hand, “Nethergrave” introduces Jeremy, a socially awkward teenager who finds solace in the virtual world. Estranged from his peers and plagued by real-life disappointments, Jeremy becomes obsessed with a virtual reality game called “Nethergrave”. This alternate reality becomes an attractive escape for him, offering him the chance to experience a life free from social isolation and unfulfilled desires. Jeremy’s immersion in the virtual world gradually erodes his connections to the real world, leading to a dangerous compulsion to abandon reality altogether.

The impact of these alternative worlds on the characters’ behavior and actions is significant. For Walter, his daydreams do not lead him to recklessness but rather serve as a source of triumph over the mundane. Through his fantasies, Walter exhibits courage, resilience, and resourcefulness, qualities that are absent in his real life. While these daydreams do not result in tangible changes in his external world, they do provide Walter the emotional strength to confront his reality with renewed vigor.

In contrast, Jeremy’s immersion in the virtual world of “Nethergrave” proves detrimental. The more he delves into the game, the more he disconnects from reality. He becomes disinterested in his studies, neglects his responsibilities, and distances himself from his family. Ultimately, his obsession with the virtual world leads him to make a life-altering decision, willingly abandoning his physical existence to become a permanent resident of the game. In doing so, Jeremy trades the chaos of real-life disappointments for the illusory permanence and superficial pleasures of the virtual world, completely severing his ties to the real world.

In conclusion, both Walter Mitty and Jeremy escape their realities by immersing themselves in alternative worlds. While Walter’s daydreams empower him and enable him to confront his reality with renewed vigor, Jeremy’s obsession with a virtual reality game has severe consequences, leading to his detachment from the real world. These two stories serve as cautionary tales about the dangers of escapism and highlight the importance of maintaining a balance between indulging one’s imagination and remaining grounded in reality.