Learning how to use technology to present ideas is important in this modernized world. From music players, video screens, projectors, slideshows, etc., you have many technological options you can use to create a research presentation. Choose a type of technology you would like to use to present a research project to your peers or Learning Coach. Use what you have learned during this unit to create an informative research project on a topic or issue of interest to you.

You chose a topic and narrowed your focus in the form of a research question about your topic in the last lesson. Now it is time to plan your presentation.
Use what you have learned about research, technology, and presentations to begin planning your research presentation. The worksheet will help to guide your planning.

Based upon your chosen topic, develop a focused research question about the topic.
Decide what technology you will use to present your research.
Begin to develop your research presentation.

Title: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Research Question: How does excessive use of social media affect mental health and well-being in teenagers?

Technology: Slideshow presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint

1. Introduction:
- Hook: Start with an attention-grabbing statistic or quote related to social media use among teenagers.
- Background information: Briefly explain what social media is and its prevalence among teenagers.
- Thesis statement: Clearly state the research question and its significance.

2. Literature Review:
- Summarize relevant studies and research findings on the impact of social media on mental health in teenagers.
- Provide statistics and examples to support the research findings.

3. Effects of Social Media on Mental Health:
- Negative effects:
- Increase in feelings of anxiety and depression.
- Comparison and self-esteem issues.
- Cyberbullying and online harassment.
- Lack of real-life social interactions and loneliness.

4. Factors Influencing the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health:
- Time spent on social media.
- Content consumed and shared.
- Influencer culture.
- Social media addiction.

5. Coping Strategies and Solutions:
- Awareness campaigns and education about the risks of excessive social media use.
- Digital detox or reducing screen time.
- Encouraging face-to-face interactions and social support.
- Promoting positive online communities and safe spaces.

6. Case Studies:
- Present real-life examples or stories of teenagers who have experienced negative mental health effects due to excessive social media use.
- Discuss how they overcame or manage their difficulties.

7. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points discussed in the presentation.
- Restate the importance of addressing the impact of social media on mental health.
- Encourage open dialogue and responsible social media use.

8. References:
- Cite all the sources used in the presentation.

Tip: Utilize visuals such as graphs, charts, and images to enhance the presentation and make it more engaging for the audience.