How did discoveries in the fields of astronomy and mathematics help Egyptian farmers? in simplest form you can

Discoveries in the fields of astronomy and mathematics helped Egyptian farmers by allowing them to accurately predict and plan their agricultural activities.

who was ramses II? what were some of his greatest achievements?

Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great, was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who ruled during the New Kingdom period. He reigned for over 66 years, from 1279 to 1213 BCE. Some of his greatest achievements include:

1. Building numerous ambitious monuments and structures, such as the magnificent temple complex of Abu Simbel and the Ramesseum.
2. Expanding Egypt's territory through military campaigns, including the famous Battle of Kadesh against the Hittite Empire.
3. Promoting diplomacy and signing the first recorded peace treaty known as the Treaty of Kadesh, which brought stability to the region.
4. Commissioning several grand architectural projects throughout Egypt, including the temples of Luxor and Karnak, which still stand today.
5. Undertaking extensive building and restoration works, including the construction of countless statues depicting himself, promoting his legacy and power.
6. Fostering cultural and artistic advancements during the Egyptian civilization's golden age, with notable developments in art, literature, and architecture.
Overall, Ramses II left a lasting impact on ancient Egypt through his military successes, architectural feats, and cultural contributions.

can you put that in the simplest form you can?

Ramses II was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who ruled for a long time and achieved many great things. He built impressive monuments, expanded Egypt's territory, signed a peace treaty, constructed important temples, and supported art and culture.

Trade between Egypt and Kush led to them becoming ___________ on each other. What does that mean? please fill in the blank.

and put it in simplest form.

Trade between Egypt and Kush led to them becoming interdependent on each other. This means that they relied on each other for goods, resources, and economic support.

In simplest form: Trade between Egypt and Kush made them dependent on each other.