Corinthian Round Bodied Pyxis Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program Question This artist used all of the following except: (1 point) Responses line line pattern pattern balance balance texture texture

Based on the given information, it is not possible to determine which option the artist did not use. The information provided does not include any specific details about the artist's techniques or elements used in the artwork.

no one made it

I apologize for the confusion. Based on the information provided, if the artist used all of the options listed, there would be none left that they did not use. Therefore, it can be inferred that the artist used all of the following:

- line
- pattern
- balance
- texture

To determine which artist did not use a particular element, we need to analyze each option and understand how they relate to art.

1. Line: In art, lines can be used to create shapes, define space, and convey movement or direction. Many artists utilize lines to form the basis of their compositions.

2. Pattern: Patterns refer to the repetitive arrangement of elements, such as shapes, colors, or lines. Artists often incorporate patterns in their work, either as the primary focus or as a supporting element.

3. Balance: Balance involves achieving a sense of equilibrium or visual weight within a composition. Artists employ various techniques, such as symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial balance, to create a harmonious composition.

4. Texture: Texture refers to the surface quality or tactile appearance of an artwork. Artists use different techniques and materials to achieve different textures, such as rough, smooth, or grainy.

Now, let's consider the given options: line, pattern, balance, and texture. The question states that we need to find the element that the artist did not use.

Since the question asks for an item the artist did NOT use, it implies that all the other items were used. Therefore, the correct answer is "texture," as the artist did not employ it in their artwork.