Use the generalized equation to answer the question. A + BC → B + AC Which type of reaction is modeled by the equation? (1 point) Responses synthesis synthesis decomposition decomposition single replacement single replacement double replacement

The equation A + BC → B + AC represents a double replacement reaction. This is because the reactants swap components with each other to form two new compounds.

Thats incorrect

I apologize for the mistake. The equation A + BC → B + AC actually represents a synthesis reaction. In a synthesis reaction, two or more substances combine to form one new compound. In this case, A and BC react to form B and AC.

To determine the type of reaction modeled by the equation A + BC -> B + AC, we need to analyze the given equation and compare it to the characteristics of different types of chemical reactions.

The equation features two reactants (A and BC) and two products (B and AC). The reactants and products are rearranged in a slightly different configuration, indicating that there has been a rearrangement of atoms in the reaction.

Based on these observations, we can conclude that the reaction modeled by this equation is a double replacement reaction.

In a double replacement reaction, the positive ions (cations) and negative ions (anions) of two reactants swap places to form two different products. In the given equation, the cation A from the reactant A combines with the anion C from the reactant BC to form the product AC, while the cation B from BC combines with the anion A from A to produce the product B.

Therefore, the correct answer is double replacement.