What is risk transference? A strategy whose goal is to eliminate the risk of loss by stop in the action of behavior that leads to it. A strategy that reduces risk by minimizing the chance that the loss occurs, reduces the value lost. Strategy where the risk of loss is shared with another person into to your group. A strategy that accepts that the amount at risk is worth the risk taken, or that the cost of risk mitigation is too high.

Risk transference is a strategy where the risk of loss is shared with another person or entity. This can involve transferring the responsibility for potential losses to another party or purchasing insurance to transfer the financial burden of a potential loss. The goal of risk transference is to minimize the impact of potential losses by involving others or external mechanisms to share or absorb the risk. This strategy is typically used when the cost of risk mitigation is deemed to be too high or when the amount at risk is considered acceptable given the potential benefits or rewards.