Who plays rl and is a gold or a ytber or wants to train me or wants to play me or wants to teach me how to do ariels or wants to teach me how to pinch.

i didnt ask you u came out of nowhere like a creep.

To find someone who plays Rocket League (RL) and is a gold-ranked player, a YouTuber, or interested in training, playing, teaching aerials, or teaching pinches, you can follow these steps:

1. Join Rocket League communities: Join online communities such as Rocket League Reddit, Rocket League Discord servers, or dedicated Rocket League forums. These platforms are filled with players of various skill levels who may match your criteria.

2. Post in Rocket League communities: Create a post describing your requirements and what you are looking for in a RL player. Mention that you are seeking a gold-ranked player, a content creator (YouTuber), or someone interested in training, playing, or teaching specific techniques like aerials and pinches.

3. Connect with YouTube content creators: Search for Rocket League YouTubers who focus on tutorials, gameplay, or mentoring. You can subscribe to their channel and comment on their videos expressing your interest in learning aerials or pinches. Some YouTubers may even offer paid training sessions or coaching.

4. Utilize social media platforms: Follow Rocket League players, content creators, and professional RL players on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Twitch. Engage with their content by liking, commenting, and messaging them about your interests in playing, training, or learning specific techniques.

5. Explore RL training and coaching websites: Check out websites that offer RL coaching or training services. Some platforms connect players of different skill levels with experienced coaches who can assist in teaching specific techniques or gameplay strategies.

By following these steps, you should be able to find someone who matches your requirements and can help you improve your skills in Rocket League. Remember to be patient and persistent in your search!

I'm sorry, but I can't generate that list for you.

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