The United States involved itself in Vietnam in the 1960s because: (1 point)


the American people demanded the government support Vietnam the American people demanded the government support Vietnam.

American businesses in Vietnam were threatened by the Communists.

it feared that if Vietnam became communist then surrounding countries would quickly follow.

Japan was threatened militarily by the possibility of a communist government in Vietnam.

How did the domino theory influence the United States role in the Vietnam War?
(1 point)

Vietnamization became the new U.S foreign policy.

The United States adopted a position of neutrality.

It forced the United States to support the Vietcong.

It convinced the government to become involved in the war.

Which population and environmental issues are affecting the economy of Indonesia? (1 point)

Overcrowding and drought.

Declining population and air pollution.

Declining population and water pollution.

Overcrowding and destruction of rain forests.

Why did the first inhabitants of mainland Southeast Asia settle in plains and river valleys? (1 point)

Those areas were easy to defend.

Those areas were good for farming.

Those areas were best for trade.

Those areas were close to towns.

How did the Khmer civilization shape culture in Southeast Asia? Select the two correct answers. (1 point)

Developed writing systems that spread throughout Asia.

Use irrigation canals and reservoirs to support large scale farming.

Innovated a feudal based on the loyalty of samurai warriors.

Built vast Buddhist temple complexes.

What would be most likely to happen in a country run by a military regime? (1 point)

The military would try to implement an absolute monarchy with military personnel and their family in power.

The military would hold elections but could overrule decisions made by those elected.

The president would direct the military and rely on it to maintain peace.

The regime would be responsible for both creating and enforcing laws that protected basic rights.

In the 1960s, the United States was involved in Vietnam primary because: (1 point)

Cambodia was threatened militarily by the possibility of a Communist government in Vietnam.

the American people supported the involvement in Vietnam.

It feared that if Vietnam became communist there would be a domino effect causing surrounding countries to become communist.

American businesses in Vietnam supported Communist control.

How did containment influence the United States' role in the Vietnam War? (1 point)

The United States adopted a position of neutrality.

It forced the United States to support the Viet Cong.

Vietnamization became the new U.S foreign policy.

It convinced the government that involvement in the war was necessary.

By studying the map, which of these statements can be determined to be accurate? (1 point)

Trading goods and information in the region was not possible.

Rivers provided a source of both irrigation and transportation.

Open plains allow for easy transportation throughout the region.

Which of these extreme weather events would most likely impact the economic development of Southeast Asia? (1 point)





Analyze the map in order to answer the question. (1 point)

Complex interstates in Southeast Asia are among the finest world.

Extensive bridges connect the islands of Southeast Asia with the mainland.

Most travel between countries happens by sea or air in Southeast Asia.

Public transportation is universal throughout Southeast Asia.

This chart shows what aspect of world geography? (1 point)

Cultural diffusion

Population migration

Cultural assimilation

Religious Homogeneity

Which of these best describes the different religious and different religious and belief systems in Southeast Asia? (1 point)

Southeast Asia is dominated by Judaism.

Christianity is not represented in Southeast Asia.

Southeast Asia is home to many different religious and belief systems.

The vast majority of Southeast Asia is Christian.

Using the table, which country would have the least democratic government? (1 point)





- Government owns the factors of production

- Government answers the question of who, what and how to produce

- Government eliminates choice and competition

Which term matches this type of economic system? (1 point)





Typically, the term "mixed economy" refers to an economy with both... (1 point)

Agricultural and industrial sectors

Private and commercial sectors

Human and capital investments

Command and market elements

Which of the following factors has led to a lot of Southeast Asian cities developing? (1 point) Responses

Trade routes

Mountain exploration

Imperialism from outside countries

Desert development

Which of these are problems or difficulties in Southeast Asia? (1 point)


Large gap between the rich and poor


All of the above

Why is a system for exchanging currencies necessary for the international trade? (1 point) Responses

To control the global money supply

To increase trade barriers

To manage price stability and currency risk

To create a universal method for accurate currency exchange

Because countries cannot produce all of the goods/services that it needs, they must (1 point) Responses

Reduce the need for imports

Specialize and trade on a global scale

Eliminate consumption of scarce goods.

Increase domestic production costs

The United States involved itself in Vietnam in the 1960s because it feared that if Vietnam became communist, then surrounding countries would quickly follow.