kevin is told that for a particular math problem, the value of y is always 32 times the value of x. kevin writes the equation y = 32 x to show the relatioship between x and y. what is the constant of proportionality?

The constant of proportionality in this equation is 32.

jimmy reads 15 pages in 5 minutes. carlo reads 12 pages in 6 minutes. find each constant of proportionality, showing your work. then write a sentence to compare the proportional relationships.

To find the constant of proportionality, we need to divide the number of pages by the number of minutes for each person.

For Jimmy:
Constant of Proportionality = Number of pages / Number of minutes
Constant of Proportionality = 15 pages / 5 minutes
Constant of Proportionality = 3 pages/minute

For Carlo:
Constant of Proportionality = Number of pages / Number of minutes
Constant of Proportionality = 12 pages / 6 minutes
Constant of Proportionality = 2 pages/minute

To compare the proportional relationships, we can say that Jimmy reads 3 pages per minute, while Carlo reads 2 pages per minute. Jimmy reads at a faster rate than Carlo.

The constant of proportionality can be determined by examining the equation y = 32x. In this equation, we can see that y is equal to 32 times x.

The constant of proportionality represents the ratio between the two variables. It is the number that you need to multiply x by in order to get y. In this case, the constant of proportionality is 32 because it is the coefficient of x in the equation.

So, the constant of proportionality in this case is 32.