Isabelle bought a new mountain bike for $1,149.79. She will finish paying for the bike after 6 months, each month, she pays the same amount, about how much will she pay each month?


To find out how much Isabelle will pay each month, we need to divide the total cost of the bike by the number of months she will be paying for it.

Therefore, $1,149.79 ÷ 6 = $191.63 (rounded to the nearest cent).

Therefore, Isabelle will pay approximately $191.63 each month.

Use the answers provided please

None of the provided answers are equal to $191.63. However, out of the given options, the closest answer is $200.

To find out how much Isabelle will have to pay each month, we can divide the total cost of the mountain bike ($1,149.79) by the number of months (6). Let's do the math:

$1,149.79 / 6 = $191.63

Therefore, Isabelle will have to pay approximately $191.63 each month to finish paying for the mountain bike in 6 months.

None of the answer choices provided exactly matches this amount, but the closest option is $200.