The table shows the price of different amounts of coffee.

Amount (Ib): 1,2,3,4
Price (Dollars): 7.50,15.00,22.50,30.00
Complete the statement
The (price or amount of coffee) is the dependent variable and the (price or amount of coffee) is the independent variable

The price of coffee is the dependent variable and the amount of coffee is the independent variable.

What is the constant of proportionality

To find the constant of proportionality, we can use the formula:

constant of proportionality = (change in dependent variable) / (change in independent variable)

Let's calculate the changes in price and amount of coffee:
Change in price = 30.00 - 7.50 = 22.50
Change in amount of coffee = 4 - 1 = 3

Now, we can find the constant of proportionality:
constant of proportionality = 22.50 / 3 = 7.50

Therefore, the constant of proportionality is 7.50.

Complete the equation to show the relationship between the amount of coffee, x and the price, y


Y = 7.50X

In order to complete the statement, we need to determine which variable is dependent and which one is independent.

The dependent variable is the one that is influenced or affected by the independent variable. In this case, the price of coffee depends on the amount of coffee purchased. Thus, the dependent variable is the price of coffee.

Conversely, the independent variable is the one that remains unchanged and is used to predict or explain variations in the dependent variable. In this case, the amount of coffee purchased determines the price. Therefore, the independent variable is the amount of coffee.

Hence, we can complete the statement as follows:
The price of coffee is the dependent variable and the amount of coffee is the independent variable.