As you are sliding down a plastic slide in a playground, your hair stands up on its ends. Which statement best explains why your hair stands up after sliding down the plastic slide?(1 point)


Energy is transferred from the slide to you through induction, causing your hair to become charged and stand up.
Energy is transferred from the slide to you through induction, causing your hair to become charged and stand up.

Friction causes a transfer of electrons between the slide and you, making each of your like-charged hairs repel each other.
Friction causes a transfer of electrons between the slide and you, making each of your like-charged hairs repel each other.

Energy is transferred from you to the slide through conduction, causing your hair to become charged and stand up.
Energy is transferred from you to the slide through conduction, causing your hair to become charged and stand up.

Friction causes a transfer of electrons between the slide and you, making your like-charged hairs attract the air through induction.
Friction causes a transfer of electrons between the slide and you, making your like-charged hairs attract the air through induction.
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The best statement that explains why your hair stands up after sliding down the plastic slide is:

Friction causes a transfer of electrons between the slide and you, making each of your like-charged hairs repel each other.

is this correct???

I apologize for the confusion. The correct statement is:

Friction causes a transfer of electrons between the slide and you, making your like-charged hairs repel each other.

The correct answer is: Friction causes a transfer of electrons between the slide and you, making each of your like-charged hairs repel each other.

When you slide down a plastic slide, friction is generated between the slide and your body. This friction causes a transfer of electrons between the slide and you. Electrons are negatively charged particles, so when they are transferred, they can create an imbalance of charge. Your hair, which is made up of strands that can carry an electric charge, becomes charged as a result.

The like-charged hairs repel each other because objects with the same charge repel each other. This is due to the electrostatic force, which causes charged objects to either attract or repel each other depending on their charges.

So, in summary, the friction between the slide and your body causes a transfer of electrons, resulting in your hair becoming charged and standing up due to the repulsion between the like-charged hairs.