What are the definitions for all of these words cause/effect- An activity that will set off a chain reaction



informational text

point of view




text structure

cause/effect - The relationship between events or actions where one event or action is the reason for or leads to another event or action.

compare/contrast - To identify the similarities and differences between two or more things or ideas.

description - A detailed account or portrayal of a person, object, or event using sensory details to create a mental image.

informational text - A type of non-fiction writing that provides factual information about a particular subject or topic.

point of view - The perspective or stance from which a story or argument is told or presented.

position - A person's particular standpoint or opinion on a topic or issue.

problem/solution - A writing structure that presents a problem or challenge and offers a solution or resolution.

sequence - The order in which events or actions occur, often following a logical or chronological pattern.

text structure - The way a piece of writing is organized or structured, such as through cause and effect, problem and solution, compare and contrast, or chronological order.